• Water Leak Arquivado
    4008 Monticello Street RICHMOND, VA - Bellevue
    Our water meter has been leaking since June and has been reported twice. Not only has this leak attracted mosquitos, it is creating a mud slick due to the recent stump grindings where the holes have been filled with loose dirt and of course our water bill reflects the leak. 4006 Monticello is also leaking.
  • 4008 Monticello Richmond, Virginia - Bellevue

    2 trees need to be removed in front of 4008 Monticello, they are both sheared off, not healthy and in danger of doing more damage. There are other trees on the block that "aren't trees" anymore that need to be removed and replaced.

    The sidewalks up and down our block are torn up and dangerous. The big slabs of concrete teeter and rock. I see kids jumping on them and watched someone trip just yesterday. The ground underneath is exposed - all accidents waiting to happen. There are young families, old people and the rest of us who are forced to either walk in the street or invade someone's yard.